Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Last day with this group

22nd Sept11, Thursday. It the last class for the term and its so sad that baby R has to end her session with this lovely group of kids and mummies! Gx and I wanted to keep her with this class to make less changes in her life coming October... cos baby #2 will arrive then and with changes at home, we wanted to keep other changes minimum but i guess we couldnt avoid... cos after baby #2 birth, Gx may have to travel overseas to work... nothing concrete but to be on the safer side jus in case he do fly and is unable to take thursday off to go with baby R... we switched her to Saturday. Which makes more sense cos its always easier to find help on weekends then on a Thursday and mil won't need to wait for me to rush home after class to look after baby #2... 

the little gal in the grey top is baby's first friend in this class! She used to sit next to us and i would use this little gal as a model for baby R to sit in her chair and do her work! cos baby R's attention span is shorter and she is more active than most kids in class! YX was also the 1st classmate name she remembered cos maybe i kept mentioning about her! Before the gal in the pink top+bottom came, baby R was the youngest of the lot . K joined only this term and her mummy is also expecting and going to give birth end of October! The only boy A in class and the gal in pokka dots, baby R hardly mingle with them cos they tend to run away from my active one. Gal in white long sleeve-top M, who sits on the left of baby R in class is baby R's favourite playmate during the songs session! they always run round and round, never seems to feel giddy!

Shicida Class January - September 2010

We were lucky to have this nice young teacher who has all the energy and love for these kids! She is our 1st  Shicida teacher and we have no other to do comparison but to me, she is so dedicated to her teaching, she not only is good with what she does, i like that she does stick to her rules and regulations with kids and helping mummies when kids run into mood swings! Esp when i was expecting, baby R was going thru her TWO YEARS OLD tantrums and prob my hormones changes affected her too... i was feeling so worked up and lost patience so quickly cos baby R was difficult to handle! Teacher Lela once told baby R she didnt behaved and told her she can't get a sticker which made baby R so upset and i was happy Teacher Lela did that to teach my gal a lesson! I liked the idea she knew i wanted to "punish" and tell baby R if she didnt behave and sit thru class, not doing her lesson won't earn her a sticker and it worked! baby R was much better behaved from then! Sure hope the new teacher we get on the weekend class will be as nice and wonderful as Teacher Lela! We sure will miss her lots but we never know who might be baby R's teacher the following year!

we gave teacher Lela a famous amous cookie with a sticker that says Thank you and Take care! I got a box of mini colour pencils wrapped up in jelly bean wrapper for the kids... Sure hope baby R can adapt to her new class well with daddy cos i would be in confinement when the new terms starts... Daddy will be attending at least the 6 lessons with baby R for the new term cos i will be in confinement and it would be a great way for the father & daughter to bond. Also it will prob give daddy more ideas of what kind of little games he can do with our gals and let him watch our little gal's progress himself!

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