Thursday, 29 September 2011

Last CookOff

29th Sept11, Thursday. Exactly a week away... i decided to cook all the minced meat there is in the freezer! I wanted to cook on Tuesday but i drag it till later afternoon and when mum was popping by tpy, i invited her to dinner thus i pushed it t Wednesday! Yesterday i was feeling so sick, so stuffed up and really tired... and i had a good chat with a friend thus no cooking. Today is the day! Tried out something new with baby R and she did well helping with the the washing of the brown mushrooms (chosen by baby R over white mushrooms) and tomatoes, while i do the slicing!

heated up the italian sausages in the toaster oven to make it easier to slice them up! got the spag cooked while i slice up the mushrooms, tomatoes, cooked sausages and onions. When i asked baby R Penne pasta or Spag... she has already chosen spag and i asked her again - Mimi, i chose spag already! cos mummy wanted penne pasta but my gal was pretty sure what she wanted!

the bacon bits were good cos i didnt have to spend time slicing... cos i really had a hard time being on my feet for too long! Once the onion was soften, the rest of the veg and then minced meat and lastly sausage with a bottle of spag sauce went into the pot with some seasoning. 

my gal told me its DELICIOUS! she didnt say yummy but kept repeating This is Delicious! 

Called my gf Ser to ask her to recommend some reading materials to stop me from throwing quick shouts at my gal... esp since Tuesday... i am so easily worked up that i can really shout so loud at my gal and when she teared up and say sorry to me.. i felt so bad but i was still mad inside cos she really pushing her luck... baby R kept doing things i told her not to and she would not listen to me when i try so hard to control my temper and telling her nicely doesnt work till i burst out, she would pay attention and stop her nonsence! but she melts my heart whenever she thanks me, kisses me, hugs me and esp when she say sorry to make up with me... i hope this shouting stops... i need to work on it!


ee_II said...

Your SPAGS so SINFUL hahaha! All the hidden goodies!! I should hide all the BACON this way feed my Hub fat fat ar hahaha!!

G&E said...

bacon its flavourful!