Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Cousin K's wedding

10th Dec11, Saturday.

baby A all dressed up for her 1st chruch wedding!
baby R's first time as flower gal was a success!

the ballroom was dim... pic taken by helper... gota wait for the pro's album!

my little cousin TT is all grown up! 
so pretty and she looked gorgeous in her beautiful gown!
missed hanging out with my 2 cousins!

Gx and I were very proud of our gals! baby R did great in the morning as flower gal and baby A slept thru the chruch and dinner, making it easy for us although i had to carry her thru the dinner in my arm i still think that i am very lucky to be able to sit thru the dinner and eat without much hassle! Fullerton hotel had a great xmas setting and after the dinner we took some xmasy family pics!

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