Tuesday, 7 February 2012

baby R 1st watercolour

2nd Jan12, Monday afternoon.

We were also at centrepoint to use up the $20 Times bookshop voucher that we had from the xmas  gift exchange! Instead of getting kids story books, i walked about the shop with baby R choosing some items we could buy with the $20! the melody pen is for me, the time flashcards and the ruler  is for the gals to share! baby R chose the watercolour set and i allowed her to have it. i was sceptical of watercolour cos i was never a fan of such palette boxes when i was young....

told baby R the few rules before she was allowed to try her new palette!

baby R followed well with the instruction and there werent any mess!

baby R was having lots of fun and i actually loved this set alot!
the colours were nice and it gave baby R alot of choice of colours!

i drew baby R a heart shape and she filled it up beautifully!

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