Thursday, 29 December 2011

baby A's 3mth old (chinese calendar)

today marks my little baby A's 3rd month! time do fly or maybe hopped really fast this year! Rabbit year has been pretty much a crazy year for me. With a pretty dramatic terrible start then came a good news that saved me from falling off within the CNY and thru the preggy months spent with baby R, me going thru baby R's terrible 2 stage with baby A in tummy wasnt the best thing that happen... cos baby A hears alot of mummy's loud voices when trying to stop baby R from doing rascal stuff... then 9mths past and out came baby A which presented me another change in my life... handling 2 kids alone. 

So far so good as i am getting the hang of it and arranging time doing stuff while they are asleep... should i be doing stuff now then typing? yes i should be but the left shoulder is giving way and i need a break. what is there to be done? setting up my new xmas present from GX. $199 1TB external drive! been fearing over the whole month cos pics from both camera arent loaded and so afraid it might be accidentally deleted by baby R! baby R is into taking pics as and when she feels like it with both cameras! then i have loads of laundry to fold! a bag of party clothings to handwash! xmas presents to find space to keep them, existing toys to be packed... keep xmas decorations... but i am sitting here to type out some 1st time experiences....

on the 10th December it was baby A's 1st time attending Chruch wedding and also wedding dinner! For my dear baby R who turned 30mths old, she was a flower gal for the 1st time at my cousin K's chruch wedding! it was great that everything went well! cos a week before at the rehersal my gal had arrived at the chruch but refused to go into the chapel... telling daddy to sit outside with her while she cried and exclaimed that there is dinosaur inside thus she doesnt want to go in! when daddy patiently coax her to step into the chruch showing her there arent any dino.... she burst out crying again.... this time she teared and said " I want to WALK IN!" i had set my mind to make the wedding go smoothly, i wanted baby R to redraw and she on the other hand cried to be part of the ceremony! she managed to practice with the 2 yiyis, walking pretty nicely hand-in-hand down the long aisle... i prep her thru the week towards the actual day and my gal did it beautifully and i was so proud of her! 

but that nite baby R fell ill from cough in the morning, she developed fever at night... i looked after her till Monday we brought her to PD and she had bronchitis... i was to keep the kids apart... Tuesday morning, i asked my mil for help... i told her i needed another pair of hands cos i knew i couldnt do it alone... baby R had been throwing up thru the day before and if she did i won't be able to carry baby A and clean up the mess and handle the poor gal... my mil helped me for the next 4 days and fil worked on Tuesday alone and joined us from Wed till Fri. Also my mil helped with the midnite feed for baby A, sleeping in the living room with baby A for many nites while i handled the coughing baby R, preventing any vomit dirtying the bed... (very lucky i managed to get her to throw up into the bags mostly and dirty only the extra little blankets that covers baby R!) i was also on the flu bug and did self medication that was non-drowsy. 

while baby R was on the road of recovery... baby A for the 1st time fell ill... she caught the bug from her older sis... called my cousin K who's a doc for advice and he said no need to actually see PD but with the pressure at home, i did bring baby A all by myself to PD for a check up! its my 1st time bringing a baby on my own to PD! it was a struggle when baby A dropped her only pacifier i had in my bag... but i was lucky to have a nice granny who came over to offer help among the young parents... it isnt baby A's first time at the clinic but for sickness, it was baby A's 1st.... and PD thou he did give us some med, he said the dosage is very little and it may not help cos time is what is needed for baby A to recover on her own = same as what my cousin K told me... gave baby A her 1st med and she threw up, looked veyr sick and lost appetitate and drank so little thru the 3 days... after which i stopped the med and she drank better and i gave both gals chinese med powder meant for phelgm and both got better... baby R recovered in time for xmas but baby A jus recover this week. 

Last Saturday was also baby A's 1st xmas party! She received her 1st xmas presents from Grandma, granduncles and grandaunts, uncles and aunts and of cos from mummy and daddy! lucky baby R cos whatever toys and books baby A received, she could play or read 1st thus baby R seemed to have double the presents! only the clothings and bottles baby A received was kept as hers! On the 25th dec it was a lockup in the house till evening after i made some noise that our little family finally got out for a little celebration. Head to nearby Bishan and we finally got the new external drive! had dinner, dessert and drinks at Coffeebean which turned out to be a noisy place to have dinner and the cakes were a disappointment and worse of all, gx and i didnt like our drinks... but i was still glad we had our own family xmas moment, which meant alot to me! we drove down to orchard after picking up inlaws from work but it was cut short as there was road closure.

On the 26th, i got an expensive comfy top for cny... haven gotten myself anything so ex since i left my job! but the shopping was cut short and wasnt pleasant cos most of the time was spent finding my mil and baby R.... cos they always head off by themselves and the rest of us hunt for them... i dun understand why mobile phones arent put to use... dun ask me... cos i had mine left at home charging and it was the worse time to forget to bring my hp out! 

so there were good 1st and terrible 1st time experiences for my gals and i. Think 2 weeks ago or jus last week, for the 1st time, i snipped of baby A's tiny nails! for baby R i have never dared to cut her nails and its mil who have been tending to her... jus trimmed baby A's nails this morning! baby A's nails grows long very fast! when baby A was born, her nails were extremely long and according to the confinement lady, it could only be trimmed on her actual full month! then it was extremely long for a baby! 

Last week, i was busy arranging the flashcards i received from my aunt M and this week, i started to flash the cards to baby R and she was happy about it and what more when she was joined by her little sis! baby R enjoyed when she prop her head, squeezing on the pillow with her little baby sis, lying on the sofa in the living room to listen to me flashing the cards to them! So another 1st time for baby A! she sure starts early! baby A didnt cry, she jus look at me flashing and reading the cards!

also for the 1st time i didnt eat any tang yuan on dong zhi and we had scare from mum's blood pressure the next day which had her staying in the hospital for observation for a nite... had alot of struggle about getting to the hospital to see her... cos i couldnt with the 2 kids in hand... but was glad she was fine and thankful to bro who was with mum.

Jus realise today is Thursday and not Wednesday! being at home, i get pretty lost in time... my 2 gals woke up at the same time.. its time to stop and yes i am in trouble with myself cos i have tons not done! i haven downsize the pics taken over the whole month so i haven uploaded them to this post... when i can, which is prob next year 2012... not sure when... i hope to add colours to my posts soon... 

The best thing that happen to me in 2011 is MY SECOND BABY. 
The worse thing that happen in 2011... my baby R hurting herself, cutting her nose bridge and eyebrow from her fall, hitting the glass table...


2012 will have changes at the start of the year... my gal will be attending school everyday for 2hours class. baby A will have her 1st birthday in October... my sil will be getting married in December... i will be turning 35 next year and i hope to throw a ME TIME PARTY jus for some gfs and myself... Sha i sure hope you will be back! Also we received our letter from the developer that we will receive keys to our new house sometime in the 2nd quarter and sure hope we can move in to celebrate baby R's 3rd birthday in our own home! 

recently i had many dreams with numbers floating by! sadly i can't recall the numbers clearly! sure hope 2012 will have some windfall cos i won't be back in the workforce till baby A turns 2 years old... will i have a 3rd child... gx and i will put that tot on hold cos we want our 2 kids to have more of everything esp attention from us... so pls spare us that question during cny and meetups!

jus in case and i think i wont have time cos i have lots to clear before the new year... Happy 2012 to all my dear ones and friends! Wishing everyone good health for the new year! Happiness filled days ahead and smiles on everyone faces thru the months and love+fun moments thru the new year! Love everyone dearly esp my hubby, my gals, my mum, my siblings and relatives and close friends as well as whoever pops in to read my blog!

Cheers and have a blessed year ahead!

Friday, 9 December 2011

i want to make you smile

8th Dec10, Thursday nite, baby R told me these words and i felt so tired. yes thats how i felt... yesterday was a good day... baby R was better behaved than other days... i shouted less cos she did less rascal stuff to boil my blood... she even helped me thru when i clean up baby in the evening... it was a good day considering the moment i had with her was mostly smiles... my poor gal is getting independent in playing on her own, pretending to read to her toys... 

when i put baby R to bed, its still a struggle... to be exact an hour of struggle and now its getting worse as i need the time to set up more bottles for the nite, by the time i get to bed its already 10.30pm to 11pm... so her sharp ears hears all the voices in the living room, pils home past 11pm... its a tough struggle to keep baby R on the bed... 2 days ago, she even resort to pat me to sleep so she can quietly pass me, head for the door and get her way... but i didnt fall for it cos i was struggling to keep myself awake for baby A's feeding time... when one sleeps, the other takes up the slot and if i am lucky, baby A sleeps thru till 1 or 2am... but thats another struggle i face alone... nite duties all done solely by myself cos by the time gx gets to bed its about 2am... sometimes he is still working, he helps with the  bottles or he chills out with his games and catches up with the news via com.... 

seriously its tough on my own thru the day with 2 kids... both needs my attention and poor baby R has to share her time with baby A who keeps me on the toes cos she constantly needs me... after drinking milk, she needs to be burped or she refuse to lie down and end up i have to carry her in my arms restricting me doing things with baby R... then when she is down in her cot, i have to wash the bottles, fix the bottles, catch my bite drink up before baby A wakes up... for a nappy change then milk feed and the cycle runs again... i have about an hour the most so far to do things with baby R.... craft work thats rushed thru, her homework and some quick cuddling... 

i felt so tired when baby R told me she wants to make me smile .... cos maybe she misses my smile... she knows i am upset with her fall that left the mark on her nose bridge and eyebrow... but she still runs about the house, climbs everywhere, jump about and off... = constant fear in me and constant shout out to stop her... i am tired but i have to pull thru thou body aches, the lump on my thumb suddenly hurts and its got bigger... thou i have support from mil and gx... i feel pretty much alone and sadly... gx is stuck at work and he prob wish to be around but yet also he finds it hard not to shut his eyes on his kids when he lies on the bed... i think baby R misses his stories before bedtime alot... cos we hardly have him around on weekday nites... baby A also doesnt get much of my attention cos i am always aim to make her nap and when her eyes are open wide at me, i hardly chat with her cos i have to keep an eye on baby R... 

i need to smile for my gals... i sure hope this phrase will pass and i get better control of things with my 2 gals... for people who have help as in maids... dun tell me not to shout... try it out for 2 months and counting with an active kid and 2 hourly fed baby .... with no help to wash the numerous bottles needed thru the day and doing nite rounds solely by oneself, then talk to me... i am so tired to be told off by my mum to talk to baby R nicely ( when she is rascal = boils my blood immediately!) be like my aunts... sorry to say... i am really solely on my own... thus i bear all the pain to carry my own baby bag, baby in my arm all the way, facing my hubby who is trying very hard to hold our active on in hand... to enjoy being out of monday-friday haunt... thanks to my aunt A and SI group who gave us vouchers.... i got to do some shopping for baby A and i am looking forward to hit taka to get stuff for our family after xmas... preparing ourselves for cny... tired but its better to have something to look forward to... 

tomolo baby R will be flowergal for the first time... no idea if she will freak out or do her walk perfectly... its hard to tell what my little 2 years old will do.... of cos i hope she can do it if not i had warn my cousin about it! dinner would be tough cos with baby A in hand... wonder if she will be good thru... fingers X! i still haven got to try my dresses and decide which to wear... when i consulted baby R before she napped... she said to me - BLACK would be Good! wow... thats what my gal told me!

next Sunday -  gx's fren's wedding luncheon, then we go over to my uncle's surprise bdae party and followed by gift exchange for kids cos my aunt O is gog for hols. then the following week we have turkey for xmas at my aunt A's new place... shopping the next day and following week would be 2012 New Year... isnt it fast? Cny is also in January! will this be my last entry for the year? why no pics posted? cos we yet to get my new external drive! 

both gals napping... i have a very tired body and heavy heart... i need to pour out before i can take my super achy shoulders to the kitchen to wash up the bottle and fix those in the steriliser! the cycle goes on! 

Just in case this is the last you hear from me, esp for my dear frens - the ones i know who reads my blog for sure Shanice - hope you are feeling warm with Toto and hubby this xmas in your far far away white wonderland, Irene - your biggest xmas present is prob spending time with your hubby in your newly renovated house : BIG congrats! Dap -  so want to hug you my dear fren and hope you enjoy your xmas and shopping... to the rest of my frens, have a great time with your family and friends and Merry Christmas!

Thursday, 1 December 2011

i tell papa

last nite i was really upset that gx straight in a row not being home early and ends up coming home at 11+pm... i know he needs to work but its was too much for me cos i know baby R misses her daddy and she waits for him to hit home... and i get so tired and aggy when baby R refuse to sleep and i keep dozing off and wakes up to catch her back to lie down on the bed till i get so mad with her i resort to loud telling baby R off... 

baby R knows i am upset and prob hears me telling GX off and gx over the line was telling me its not a choice he has... cos he really has work to clear... he too wish he could be back to see the gals... almost half an hour later while i was making milk, baby R came down from the bed and stood next to me... said

Mummy, don't worry.
I will tell daddy to drink water.
Everything is ok. Don't worry, mummy....

tears rolled down immediately...
baby R hugged me tight, her hands around my neck and she pulled me to her chest and tapped my back
telling me

Its OK mummy, dun cry, dun be sad.

i called GX to tell him what baby R said... our dear gal is very sweet and has a heart of gold.